
War of the worlds handling machine
War of the worlds handling machine

war of the worlds handling machine

Handling machines also appear in the dark horse comic adaptation of HG wells war of the worlds, these handling machines look very similar to the tripods and are seen building machines and draining human blood, like the ones from the book (wich they have basically the same functions).

war of the worlds handling machine

Furthermore, they do not have a basket for capturing humans as that function is given to the Tripods in the comic. However, they are not much taller than humans (like the ones in the book) and the Martians piloting them are visible and exposed with seemingly no cover. The Handling machines in the comic are used by the Martians to guard humans and other captives in their pens / concentration camps, while the machines themselves are six-legged with claws on the end of tentacles (making them similar like the jeff wayne ones). In Superman: War of the Worlds the Handling Machines also make an appearance - albeit with some differences from their original design.

war of the worlds handling machine

The game also features a new machine called the Electric Machine, which appears to be partially based off the Handling Machine's design. In Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (1998 Video Game), the Handling Machines role changes again - being the Martians main construction unit tasked with creating Martian buildings (making this function similar like the ones from the original novel). It has 6 legs, 2 claws, two green eyes (making it similar to the tripods in appearence) and a basket, in order to collect humans from Earth (Unlike in the novel, where the Tripods take this role). The Handling Machine has a key role in Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds. Featuring a man being thrown into the basket

War of the worlds handling machine